By Analog Devices Inc 266
Analog Devices' circuit, CN0267, is a complete smart industrial, loop-powered field instrument with 4 mA to 20 mA analog output and a highway addressable remote transducer (HART®) interface. HART is a digital 2-way communication in which a 1 mA peak-to- peak frequency-shift-keyed (FSK) signal is modulated on top of the standard 4 mA to 20 mA analog current signal. This allows features such as remote calibration, fault interrogation, and transmission of process variables, which are necessary in applications such as temperature and pressure control.
This circuit has been compliance tested, verified, and registered by the HART Communication Foundation (HCF). This successful registration provides circuit designers with a high level of confidence using one or all of the components in the circuit. The circuit uses the ADuCM360, an ultra-low-power, precision analog microcontroller, the AD5421, a 16-bit, 4 mA to 20 mA, loop powered digital-to-analog converter (DAC), and the AD5700, the industry’s lowest power and smallest footprint HART compliant IC modem.
The circuit, CN0267, is built on the DEMO-AD5700D2Z printed circuit board. The DEMO-AD5700D2Z circuit board includes some additional features for easy system evaluation. The 0.1 inch-pitch connector footprints allow optional primary and secondary sensor connections. There are test points for HART RTS and CD signals, which may be needed for HART compliance tests.