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MC74VHCT259ADG Latches 5V CMOS AddressableOnce the leds are finished they turn very fast and finish the turn in tenths of a second
AP2210N-4.0TRG1 LDO Voltage Regulators LDO CMOS LowCurrgood. Vthreshold of around 2V what is right, but it looks a counterfeit (no "L" in the label)
S-812C27BPI-C4HTFU LDO Voltage Regulators LDO REG 75MA OUTGot perfect, measure the resistance with multimeter and this all OK. Great seller, recommend
LT3480HMSE#TRPBF Switching Voltage Regulators 38V, 2A, 2.4MHz Step-Down Switching Reg in MSOPEverything is fine! But i had to drink bootloader arduino, otherwise it did not work.
XC6501D321GR-G LDO Voltage Regulators CL Capless 200mA High Speed LDO RegulatorGood module with good characteristics.Good location.
MC78L08ACPRPG Linear Voltage Regulators 8V 100mA PositiveGood item, match descrition, using with Arduino. Recommed seller.