AD511x Series Potentiometers

By Analog Devices Inc 376

AD511x Series Potentiometers

Analog Devices' AD5111 provides a nonvolatile solution for 128-position adjustment applications, offering guaranteed low resistor tolerance errors of ±8% and up to ±6 mA current density in the A, B, and W pins. The low resistor tolerance, low nominal temperature coefficient, and high bandwidth simplify open-loop applications, as well as tolerance matching applications.

The new low wiper resistance feature minimizes the wiper resistance in the extremes of the resistor array to only 45 Ω typical. A simple 3-wire up/down interface allows manual switching or high speed digital control with clock rates up to 50 MHz.

The AD5111 is available in a 2 mm × 2 mm LFCSP package. The parts are guaranteed to operate over the extended industrial temperature range of −40°C to +125°C.

  • Mechanical potentiometer replacement
  • Portable electronics level adjustment
  • Programmable filters, delays, time constants
  • Low resolution DAC
  • LCD panel brightness and contrast control
  • Programmable voltage to current conversion
  • Feedback resistor programmable power supply
  • Audio volume control
  • Sensor calibration

