TS3001 CMOS Oscillator

By Touchstone Semiconductor 430

TS3001 CMOS Oscillator

Touchstone's TS3001 is a single-supply CMOS oscillator/timer fully specified to operate at 1 V while consuming a 1 µA supply current at an output frequency of 25 kHz. This oscillator is compact, easy-to-use, and versatile. Optimized for ultra-long life, battery-powered applications, the TS3001 is the newest Touchstone’s oscillator/timer in the "NanoWatt Analog™" high-performance analog integrated circuits portfolio. The TS3001 can operate from single-supply voltages from 0.9 V to 1.8 V. Requiring only a resistor to set the output frequency, the TS3001 represents a 66% reduction in PCB area and a factor-of-10 reduction is power consumption over other CMOS-based integrated circuit oscillators. When compared against industry-standard 555-timer-based products, the TS3001 offer up to 93% reduction in PCB area and four orders of magnitude lower power consumption. The TS3001 is fully specified over the -40°C to +85°C temperature range, and is available in a low-profile, 8-pin 2 x 2 mm TDFN package with an exposed back-side paddle.

Features Applications
  • Portable and battery-powered equipment
  • Low parts count nanopower oscillator
  • Compact nanopower replacement for crystal and ceramic oscillators
  • Nanopower pulse-width modulation control
  • Nanopower pulse-position modulation control
  • Nanopower clock generation
  • Nanopower sequential timing
  • Ultra low supply current: 1 µA at 25 kHz
  • Supply voltage operation: 0.9 V to 1.8 V
  • FOUT period accuracy: 2%
  • FOUT period drift: 0.021%/°C
  • PWMOUT duty cycle range: 12% to 90%
  • Single resistor sets output frequency
  • Output driver resistance: 160 Ω

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