Precision32™ Devices

By Silicon Labs 523

Precision32™ Devices

Silicon Labs' has launched its first 32-bit microcontroller family which more than doubles its MCU addressable market. The new Precision32™ ARM Cortex M3 family of microcontrollers is poised to immediately capture significant market share by providing fundamental advantages at a lower total solution cost. The Precision32 family offers industry-leading benefits in terms of low power, analog capabilities, configurability, USB integration and development time. With more than 30 different MCUs immediately available, the Precision32 family services a wide range of applications offering footprint compatible USB (SiM3U1xx) and non-USB (SiM3C1xx) devices that range in flash size from 32‒256 kB.


  • Portable medical
  • Barcode scanners
  • Motor control
  • Wireless tracking
Key Features Customer Benefits
Smart integration: 5 V internal regulator, crystal-less USB, six 300 mA drive IO, and capacitive touch inputs
  • Reduces BOM cost
  • Saves PCB area and cost
  • Simplifies design
Customizable pin-out and peripherals
  • Eases layout
  • No pin conflicts
  • Enables smaller packages reducing cost
Lowest power ARM Cortex USB MCU
  • 33% less active current vs. in-class competitors
  • 5 to 100x lower sleep current vs. competitors
Analog peripherals guaranteed over voltage and temperature
  • Replaces standalone analog ADCs when performance needs to be guaranteed
  • Operation down to 1.8 V increases battery life 
Easy-to-use, free development tools
  • Support for all major tools vendors
  • Free Eclipse-based IDE and compiler
  • Free AppBuilder enables pin-out, peripheral and clocking initialization without reading data sheet

